Artabelle Furniture

Restoration and makeover of an “Old Charm” cabinet

Restoration and makeover of an “Old Charm” cabinet

Makeover of a vintage British mid-century ‘Ye oldy world’ piece: this project involved a full restoration as well as some furniture making. The customer wanted her cabinet to match an existing piece she had and asked us to create a frame underneath as well as add an extra shelf inside.

We created a mortice and tenon frame on oak to fit under the cabinet.

We then used the leg profile of a similar cabinet the customer had to create a template that will be used to turn the four legs in exactly.

A plywood template is particularly useful when turning several pieces that need to be exactly and perfectly consistent.

The new frame’s top moulding is decorated next: we routed it to a design matching the style of the cabinet.

Once all the parts are shaped, turned or routed, the frame is assembled and glued together.

The extra shelf is fitted inside.

The new base is coloured to match the cabinet and finally, everything is assembled and sprayed with 4 coats of lacquer.